
- What is a podcast?
- What is a podcatcher site?
- Research podcast hosting services and podcatcher sites then add links as well as the name of the site and indicate why you think it would be a site we could use as a class.


Unknown said...

A podcast is kind of like a radio show that is on the internet and has pictures or videos on it. I don't have a clue what a podcatcher site is. A good podcast host site is http://www.podbean.com because it is a free service. the link to the sign up page is www.podbean.com/podcast_hosting_audio_video_blog_hosting?service=basic&page=start-podcast

jacob said...

a podcast is something you create on garage band you can add pictures, records of your voice and other tracks on garage band.
a pod-catcher site is a site were you can put your podcast for the world to see.
i don't really have any suggesting websites we can use

Colby said...

A podcast is a series of media files that are posted on a website for downloading or listening to. A podcatcher is a application that downloads a podcast as soon as it comes out if you subscribe to it. www.podcastdirectory.com is a good site because it has a lot of podcasts to listen to.

Unknown said...

A podcast is a series of digital media files put together . It can be voice recordings , videos, or pictures. A podcatcher is a site that you can subscribe to podcasts.


- i think this is a good podcatcher site to use in class because it seems like it is very easy to use. The downloading processes also seems quite fast and easy.

Maranda said...

What is a podcast?
- What is a podcatcher site?
- Research podcast hosting services and podcatcher sites then add links as well as the name of the site and indicate why you think it would be a site we could use as a class.

-a podcast is an audio broadcast over the internet.

--a podcatcher site is a program that scans podcast feeds and downloads new programs.

---one podcast hosting service is podbean.com. i think we could use this site as a class because its supposed to be easy to use. except you have to sign up for it. http://www.podbean.com/
a podcatcher site is underground music podcasts. it gives instructions on podcasts and what they are.

Unknown said...

- What is a podcast?
- What is a podcatcher site?
- Research podcast hosting services and podcatcher sites then add links as well as the name of the site and indicate why you think it would be a site we could use as a class

A podcast is like a radio except it's online and available for downloading. You can put them on your digital device (such as ipod, mp3 etc.)

A podcatcher site is an application that lets you subscribe to podcasts and automatically downloads them as they are uploaded to the internet.

We could use this site for the class because it has alot of podcasts and all different types.

Brandon said...

A podcast is like a radio show that you download off the internet. It can be just audio or have pictures playing in a sort of slideshow on the side. A podcatcher site is a website that finds podxasts for you and stores/updates the files on your computer. A good podcatcher site that i use is podcatchermatrix.org.

The link to the sing up page is

Joey said...

A podcast like a internet talk radio show that people download or listen to on the web. It that can be about anything the creator wants to talk about.
A podcatcher is an application that you can use to subscribe to podcasts. http://epnweb.org/ is a good site because it has educational podcasts that are about a wide variety of subjects.

Kento said...

A podcast is a sort of radio show hosted on the internet. A podcatcher site is a website that allows you to sign up for podcasts.


Antip said...

A podcast is a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and downloaded through web syndication.

A good podcast website would have to me:


Evdoksia said...

A podcast is a is a series of digital media files that can be either audio or a video. A podcatcher site is a place where you can subscribe to podcasts.


The site that I chose is called PodBean. This is a good website to use during class because it has a lot of different types of podcasts to listen to.

kaya said...

podcasting is a media recording that you can do on different things the one that i chose was Garage band. You record a sound of yourself or of anything you want and you can change it up and mix it to sound exactly how you want it to. You can add pictures, sound effects, and music to it.
There are many different site to listen to and share podcasts. The one that i used was www.podbean.com a podcast that i thought sounded really professional washttp://bigpurpledreams.podbean.com/

Kiara said...

A podcast is a radio show of some sort. you can make it about any thing and you can watch it where ever when ever you want. A podcatcher it a application you subscribe for podcasts; a podcatcher automatically downloads podcast posted to the site. http://www.podcastready.com/ is a good podcatcher site. it would be good because of all the podcasts on this one site, they have the most popular podcasts around. not only it's easy to sign up, it's free.