
Research comics and graphic novels on the web.
What makes a great comic?
How do comics go from ideas in a writer's head to printed?
What genre of comic interests you?
If you were evaluating a comic, what criteria would you use? Provide a link to a sample comic in the blog and analyse it using your criteria.


Terenty said...

I think a good comic book would have to be something funny and full of action so you don't get bored and so you can get a few laughs out of it.

Joey said...

i think good story telling and art make a great comic. Comics go from an ideas head to printed if it is a good idea and something people will like. The genre of comics that interest me are action and mystery. If i were evaluating a comic the criteria i would use is if the story is good and the art has a good style.

Meya said...

a great comics are made up of action, drama, anything that u can think of.

Brandon said...

A comic book or graphic novel is made interesting and successful by not only the quality of the pictures, but also the quality and depth of the story. Comics are brought from the writers imagination through a pencil and paper, or if it is a more recent comic, through a keyboard and a computer. Personally i am interested in the more entertaining comics involving political satire and/or bad humor. if i was to analyze a comic, i would use the following as criteria:

Style of writing

Style of drawing

Quality of story

Quality of humor used in the story

i like this comic because the humor is very well placed in the context. It hints that parents are very easily fooled by their children and the teacher is aware of it. the drawing style is not one of my favorites, i prefer CGI computer comics, but the quality of the individual details adds to the humor of the comic. Details such as the poster in the back "How a Bill Becomes a Joke" and that it is a history teacher all add up and make the comic funnier.

Meya said...

any kind of genre of comics interest me. some of them can be very apealing comics. and some of them don't very standto much on me.

Meya said...

a writer has to think if it is a good comic at first. and if it is good enough they can publish it. a

kaya said...

A good comic should capture the viewers interest the moment the look at it. comics go from ideas inside ones head to printed in steps.... step 1 think of a good story.... step 2 write it down... step 3 get it accepted to print... step 4 PRINT IT!!!! the type of comic that i am interested in is the kind that has a lil bit of everything in it. ... THE END

Taylor said...

So much goes into making a good comic. You need depth, a good story with a plot, well thought out characters and you need to enjoy doing it.

To get the comic from your head to the paper you first have to have an idea. Research everything, such as how a human or environments should look like. Write a script of it first, have someone read and edit it, then rewrite it again.

The type of comic that interests me would probably be a graphic novel with action and some comedy thrown in there.

If i were to evaluate a comic i would judge it on things such as:

how detailed the artwork is

the depth of the story




KA said...

A great comic is one that can blend action, comedy, and conflict perfectly. I find that comics that only incorporate action are boring. The writer of the comic has to of course have a good sense of humor.

kain said...

There are many elements to a great comic including character, setting and plot. These three to me are what can make or break a writer or publisher. If you have a good plot and character but you place it in the wrong time frame you will ruin the comic completely.
The comic that a writer thinks of in his head can be changed many times before it is ever printed. Thus the reason for many rough drafts and drawing changes
that happen. when a writer thinks of a comic in his head he could have some bad characters in it so that could get changed or another idea he had might not work the way he planned it.
I like the comics that are funny and would never be true like calvin and hobbes and the far side. for evaluating a comic i wold look at: dialogue
Style and the quality of the story. And the comic is on the second post from the bottom. I like this comic because its funny and it has a totally absurd style with no dialogue just a short sentence out side the actual frame.

Tyler said...

What makes a comic great is mostly the imagery mixed with humor and how much you put into the whole story line of the comic.
Personally i would prefer action comics the best.
I would go by quality of imagery, how much they put into the story line, and the humor.

Jessica said...

What makes a great comic?
--To make a great comic, you need, a good story line and the pictures should represent a key moment of the action.

How do comics go from ideas in a writer's head to printed?
--In most cases, they will brainstorm then put all their ideas together, then publish it.

What genre of comic interests you?
--My favorite genre of comic is comedy.

If you were evaluating a comic, what criteria would you use? Provide a link to a sample comic in the blog and analyse it using your criteria.

Terenty said...

i like comics that have stick men and that make no sense at all a but you also need a good story line something to do with two or more people doing something that they would never do and they go on a trip that leeds them to all kinds of trouble.

Colby said...

The criteria for a good comic book is to have a good story and characters and also a good artist. There are a lot of other things that contribute to a good comic book like design.

Comics get into your hands by first being written onto a piece of paper from the comic artist and then sent to a publisher to be evaluated and sent to a factory and then mass created to be sent into the hands of the paying public.

Personally i like the comics with a lot of humor and gut busting laughs.

If i was to Evaluate a comic my criteria would be on the sense of humor the writer had when they wrote it.

I would give this comic a good rating because the cat hates the dog and is insulting him but the dog insults a bank as well as defending himself. the owner is trying to tell the cat that the insult is just as lame as the one that he mentions.

Cole said...

A good comic strip has good drawing and will provid the information for for all the squares until the last block where the joke will be. The comic will have to relate to the readers if the writer wants it to be popular.

meya said...

if i was evaluating a comic book i would look for

how the story is put together

what kind of genre they used

and also the details

Kiara said...

What makes a good comic?
The plot of the story, it has to go with the drawings/or images.

How do comics go from ideas in a writers head to printed?
It all depends on what you are writing about, you can be writing about a war that happened long time ago or a fantasy like story e.g. cinderella .

What genre of comics interest me?
Fantasy, War, and Horror.

If you were evaluating a comic, what criteria would you use?
-quality of picture
-detail in the photo
-the text, if it makes sense. punctuation. spelling errors.
-The quality isn't the best because it's from a game.
-It's a game so there's details but they're not the best in the world
-i would have to say that I'm not to impressed with it. they're punctuation isn't the best. in frame two the bubble in the top right corner "IM" they forgot the aposterphy.

Maranda said...

what makes a great comic?
--I think a great comic has to have a good story line, and there should be pictures that represent what is going on in that comic box.

How do comics go from ideas in a writer's head to printed?
--the writer puts all his/her ideas together in a comic layout and uses speech bubbles and uses color and an artists drawings to finish it off.

What genre of comic interests you?
--any kind of comic interests me. there isn't any genre that i prefer.

If you were evaluating a comic, what criteria would you use?
--how detailed the pictures are, if the font matches the mood of the comic, how humorous the comic is, and how good the story line is.

for this comic i would say that the humor isn't that good. the pictures/drawings are pretty good and the font does match the mood of the comic. and the story line makes sense and it's pretty good.

eva said...

A good comic or graphic novel tells a story in a way to keep the reader entertained. Comics that have pictures, color, and words that pop out are more likely to keep a reader more interested. Ideas that come from an authors head are usually started with pen and paper. From there the author would move to technology and create the comic. Once created it may be printed. The genre of comics that i enjoy reading is more of a humorous comic such as calvin and hobbes. Some criteria I would use is the quality of the comic and pictures that were used, the style of writing used, and how entertaining the comic is.

i like this comic because there is humor involved. Calvin isn't very smart in school and always relies on his best friend hobbes, who is a stuffed tiger. This author often uses strong vocabulary that is used by calvin but he isn't very smart in school.

!?Tipsy!? said...

I believe that there is a specific comic for everyone, ranging genres from comedic (Archies) to action (Watchmen). I think writer's need a creative imagination to write comics,unless if you want your comic to be short and dull.

My favorite type of comic would have to be humor. I have to say that Archies is my favorite comic saga. Somethin about Jughead that cracks me up LOL.

In this link there is a comic.
This comic is a Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Spy. In all of these comics the black and white spy characters always try to kill each other. I think its funny how in the end one of them always comes out alive and the way they do so.

Unknown said...

what i think makes a great comic is lots of action and mystery. long comics just get boring and i lose interest fast. so when they are short it makes it a good comic. ideas in a writers head to printed is crazy to me. they have really good imagination and creation. the genre of comics interest me the most would be mystery or romance.

criteria: style of drawing
poor imagination for title
not colorful
to jamed together

Unknown said...

a good comic has to be well written and it needs to be interesting and intertaining. i think it should have action in it.

jacob said...

i think a comic ha to be well written and it has to entertaining and interesting.

wen a writer writes a story he see's the story in his head and he writes it as he see's it in his head.

a funny comic interests me or a action comic.

if i was was marking a comic i would give them a mark based on how well its written and it has to make sence.